Your Getting Older Now What

If you are over 55 or at least approaching that stage in your life, what’s next? When you were younger, you probably thought about the golden years. Longing for when you could retire and enjoy life on your terms. Finally having the time and money to do all the things you always wanted to do.  But never had the time in your younger years.

But for a big majority of us, now that we are getting older and close to that stage in our lives. We are finding that we have become more sedentary. Having started spending a lot of time sitting around watching TV and similar activities. Is that part of your golden years dream?
I don’t think so.

I know for me I have always thought when I retire I would finally have the time to travel and see the world.

Is that your dream also?

Getting Older Is What You Make Of It

We all know that as we age, our bodies slow down. But is it really our body that slows down? I believe that it is more of a mindset that we are “Over The Hill” than a physical condition. The less we use our bodies, we slowly become less physically capable, our sense of adventure diminishes and our life becomes a downward spiral of inactivity.

So what is the point of looking forward to our golden years if we don’t take care of our bodies.  It’s important to  have the energy and physical ability to go and do the things we always wanted to do?

Is snowboarding on your bucket list? It’s on mine! I found a great article on tips for first time snowboarders that I believe can be very helpful if this is something that interests you?

You’ve worked all your life, isn’t it time to finally be able to try and enjoy things you never had the time to before?

You can be in the best shape of your life, it’s never too late to start, you just have to change your way of thinking. I know most people say they don’t have the time or money to do exercise. That is just an excuse, not wanting to get out of there comfort zone.

Do you have time to watch TV, facebook, etc? If so, then you have time to invest in yourself.


Invest in Your Fitness


Your Mind Is a Powerful Tool

It is just a matter of making your mind up about what is important to you in your life. The human mind holds incredible powers. If you make up your mind to do something, your body will follow.

Even if you have never been athletic in your life, your transformation to a healthy physical senior will begin showing results almost immediately.

So now that you have decided to make a change in your life you ask yourself what kind of exercise program should I be doing. Well for people getting on in years, I believe the single most important exercise would be weight training.

The reason I say this is that as getting older, our body goes through changes. It is a natural occurrence that we lose muscle mass as we age.

By doing resistance exercise, we are trying to build muscle and or slow down the muscle loss that naturally occurs. And for people over 55, we need our physical natures more than ever, because an active fit body, is a young body, no matter what number you put on it.

All you need to do is arrange your life so you can get 30 to 60 minutes a day of exercise. You can join a gym if you like, or buy a few weights and a bench and start working out at your home. Where you train is not important, but doing it is. Let’s do this together.

What are you doing to ensure your health as you get older? Please tell me in the comments below!

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Doug Paulson
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  1. Ben 6 years ago

    Great post! Bodybuilding has too much misinformation behind it. It’s a great sport. Keep up the posts!

    • Author
      Doug Paulson 6 years ago

      Your right, bodybuilding is a great lifestyle. Thanks for commenting Ben!

  2. Faizan 6 years ago

    It is only a mindset, age never matters,

  3. Prashant 6 years ago

    As you grow, you need to have a fit body. It is the only thing which stays with you until the end of your journey. We are so grateful to have this body form. My goal is, I should be still able to complete the Marathon run at the age of 60. Nice post, and keep working out.

    • Author
      Doug Paulson 6 years ago

      Fitness in our golden years allows us the energy and mobility to live an active lifestyle. Thanks Prashant!

  4. AndyBosisto 5 years ago

    I have been weight training for many years at 57 I want a coach that has the knowledge and is age sympathetic it’s no good following a training regime for a 20 yr old if you are 57. I would also like realistic results no BS.

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